Thursday 26 March 2015


What are triggers?

It is my opinion, “issues of life” are our hidden triggers which acts like a pop up and usually comes from out of nowhere.  This is why one must “keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issueof life.”

"A trigger is something that sets off a memory tape or flashback transporting the person back to the event of her/his original trauma.

Triggers are very personal; different things trigger different people. The survivor may begin to avoid situations and stimuli that she/he thinks triggered the flashback. She/he will react to this flashback, trigger with an emotional intensity similar to that at the time of the trauma. A person’s triggers are activated through one or more of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.The senses identified as being the most common to trigger someone are sight and sound, followed by touch and smell, and taste close behind. A combination of the senses is identified as well, especially in situations that strongly resemble the original trauma. Although triggers are varied and diverse, there are often common themes” 

Triggers are like a blame game being played against self to self-destroy self depending on the triggers which can vary from person to person. 

Sometimes triggers are emotionally painful. 

Triggers whenever they are presented is an opportunity for one to find their own strength and not be triggered. Remember, you are stronger than your triggers and your direct and indirect pain of something someone did twenty years ago as if it happen yesterday. One cannot allow triggers or yesterday’s pain to rob you of you. Sometimes you have to tell yourself you are an amazing human being who is ongoing work in progress. 

Triggers are our unaddressed emotional landmine waiting to be triggered off, leaving negative psychological imprints of one’s past experiences one is aware of or not aware of. Triggers are a silent cry for help to fix the unfixable with support, heal the unhealed,  to confront the unconfronted and to uproot the rooted traumatic experiences one root at a time. 

Triggers are our opportunity to breathe in and exhale and to let it GO! 

Triggers will cause one to become a self-interrogator, to interrogate others instead of interrogating self to see if the same expectations you have of others, you have the same expectation for yourself. 

Attitudes is key and personal work on one’s self will develop one’s ongoing life skills that are underdeveloped. 

A trigger is a thought recognition and it is past experiences, which can represent the good and the bad we have encountered along the way during our life journey. “Issues of life” for some it is a secret addiction, addicted to their negative life story who for whatever reason; are physically challenged to let go of the negative to unconditionally embrace the positive such unlearning to learn and to growing.  

Sometimes not apologizing for something you did can be a trigger for others.

An “lssues of life” trigger for me is being perpetually punished for a mistake I personally did and the person who tells me I am forgiven but reminds me of what I did for the last seven and a half years. It is ironic that this same individual in question, refused to take any responsibility for their selfish action and inaction who daily forgot I have apologized for my mistakes twelve times already. This individual, in my opinion have a dysfunctional relationship with forgiveness,  apologizing for anything they do who is not a forgiving person and who refuse to say sorry for anything they themselves have done. 

My apology was immediately dismissed and was deemed not good enough.

Sad to say; this individual refuses to objectively self-examine self who in my opinion, is disconnected from self.  When you look a their life it is clear to see they do not listen to sound advise and you leave them alone to deconstruct.

Sometimes life will force you to call a time out to take sometime to figure you out. Some people need to “know thyself” to become an awesome person to unconditionally care for humanity and to demonstrate compassion and hope to those who are in need.

I acknowledge certain people are in my life to take me to the next level, as their negativity is a trigger for me to rise my own standards a notch higher than what I had originally set for myself. 

Most people have not mastered
the exceptional skill of: 

"Listen without interrupting,

Speak without accusing,

Give without sparing,

Pray without ceasing,

Answer without arguing,

Share without pretending,

Enjoy without complaining,

Forgive without punishing, and

Promise without forgetting.” [Author Unknown].

Some of these “so called” friends have self-empowered me to secure my status of what it means to be an over-comer living in the present instead of in the past. My own triggers allowed me to fulfill my ordained purpose to reconnect and partnership with me.

I had to go through these heart wrenching experiences in order for me to effectively help others to get through their own “Issues of Life" triggers.

“Issues of life” triggers are our blind spots, and personal pitfalls that are masked. 

When triggers are unmasked it could be your impatience, abuse, immoral acts, eating disorders, self-harm, low self-esteem, promiscuity, financial debt, self-incarceration, perceptions, breech of confidentiality, devaluing someone, placing your own expectations on others, evil doing, a fowl mouth, addictions, being dissatisfied with life, jealousy, hatred, prejudice, envy, competing against brethren in an unhealthy ,competitive way, bullying, ongoing name calling, adultery, rape, victims of war, not acting within the best interest of your health by getting tested regardless of what your medical fears are, isolation, your personal blind spot(s), insecurity, self-stagnation to stagnate others which disallows one to RISE to their full potential, manipulation, lying, rage, the need to control, disrespecting others, having a dysfunctional relationship with correction whenever you are corrected, entitlement, the inability to sort through perspectives, the inability to unconditionally agree and disagree, condescending attitude, arrogance, pride, lack of knowledge, intolerance for others’ short comings, emotionally punishing someone after they told you they were sorry, guilt, shame, inconsistency, non-communication and non-commitment. All of the above mentioned are unhealthy “Issues of Life” – they trigger connections directly and indirectly, which is a dysfunctional system by design to disconnect you from you.

"Issues of Life" triggers oftentimes show up unannounced in verbal language tones such as how loud one’s voice may be, body language, certain words, and personal habits one may have who may be disconnected from self who is not present to self.

Is your trigger your anger, to warrant and to execute violence against your husband? Violence and spousal bullying is absolutely wrong.

Sometimes, “Issues of Life” triggers can bring disappointment. Sometimes “Issues of Life” triggers are a profound reminder to self that you may need some support because what you may or may not be doing is not working. 

“Issues of Life” triggers will sometimes obscure your vision to bring about division. In my own experience people who I love do not unconditionally act within the best interests of me, with the understanding that where they are at today is not where they will be tomorrow because I unconditionally believe in them.

Sometimes, our trigger is our weight and sometimes it is a medical conditions that you have no control over. Did you know, mental health illness sometimes are triggered by an event. "Mental Illness touches us all, but to quote Chris Summerville: “Today is the best day to have a mental illness […]. Mental Illnesses are treatable, and recovery is Possible.”
Mental Health Triggers 101 

As an “Issues of Life” Navigator, Human Rights Activist and a Spiritual Gift Developer, it is important for me to always see the best in everyone to bring out the exceptional best in others.

I had to personally learn how to master forgiveness by disarming my own “Issues of Life” trigger association and my unaware relationship I had with bitterness. Forgiveness is like an onion: one must physically separate the layers one teardrop at a time peeling away at each layer in great detail. Over the years, I had to learn that I must be patient with me. Forgiveness is reconciling past experiences. If you do not master forgiveness you will be bitter and resentful. 
Forgiveness is like someone’s fingerprint. The forgiveness process journey is going to be different for everyone. It could take three months or 40 years. In my opinion, it is wrong for anyone to tell you to “just get over it” as getting over it requires emotional support. Respecting the forgiveness season where someone is at is very important and only the individual can determine their journey not people. No one has the right to tell you “just get over it.” You have the right, however, to get over it in your time and in your season.

Letting go and finding the courage to set you free from your past must be taken, to keep you moving forward with your life which becomes a living testimony to support and encourage others. Your past is not your destiny. If anyone reminds you of your past in a negative or evil way to break your spirit, thank them and then tell them, “without you my friend it would be impossible for me to know how far I have come.” It is my opinion that only a “friend enemy” will bask you into your past.

For me, emotional purging and delivering one’s self out of the hand of emotionally toxic people must become a way of life and a precautionary measure to be taken to remain mentally free, to operate in a state of inner freedom and with inner peace within your spirit. I personally live my life by this quote: “Thou wilt keep (me) in perfect peace.” When one is at peace with themselves, one will be at peace with others. If you are not at peace with others it is because you are not at peace with yourself. 

As a Christian, individual choices must be respected and I expect individuals to respect my choice as I openly declare I am Christian trying daily to be a better Christian, which is spiritual and physical work. 

It is important to me to represent light. It is important to me not to be a moral hazard to anyone as I daily partnership with God. It is important to me that I never judge anyone because we are all one step away from being entrapped by our own “Issues of Life” if we do not actively address them.

Be encouraged and not discouraged by your situation or circumstances. Your situation is providing you a solid foundation for you to stand on to step into your destiny and into the amazing person you are, today.  

Let's Talk About Triggers.

Negative words hurt people.“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. 

The demarcation of what someone spoke into your spirit many years ago, has caused some to self-imprison themselves into the confinement of one’s mind in the way one think or self-view themselves. Believing in those negative words will play out a story line of one’s subjective thoughts, which is not the absolute truth about you. 

If you were bullied in a relationship, in a place of worship, in your workplace, in your home by your spouse and if you were subjected to diverse abuse, please tell someone you trust, plan your escape if you choose to leave your abusive situation with professional help, guidance and get the professional support you need to be free to be the amazing you.

Sometimes we have allowed yesterday’s experience to become our spiritual weapons of internal warfare against ones self. After all my strength is gone I look to you.

Whatever "Issues of Life" triggers are not completely healed in you, wholeness and inner 
peace will be denied until YOU deal with YOU. It is important for one to be present and to find out what is your emotional triggers. 

"All meltdowns and shutdowns will have been triggered by something. The secret to success is knowing what these triggers are. 

Cognitive and Sensory meltdowns have different triggers and require a very personal tailored approach.

Triggers once identified can be eliminated or at the very least avoided, for example would someone allergic to nuts knowingly and deliberately eat them? Of course not! So it stands to reason that someone with a sensitivity to noise will avoid it! However with guidance and identification of triggers, measures can be taken to minimize discomfort within some environments lessening the risk of meltdown or shutdown.

There are literally hundreds of triggers which can affect someone adversely. Just knowing where to look for these clues will unravel the mystery and provide a solution” Source: Meltdown Mentor

Question, what triggers or trigger are preventing you from moving forward directly or indirectly? 

If you are not s part of your own trigger solution, then you are a part of your own  trigger problem. To be triggered is a choice. 

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